Calamity Cobra in "A Sweeter Reprise" FREE ON ITCH IO


Following the events of ‘A Sweet Surprise’, Calamity Cobra has spent days wandering through the Dessert Desert, vying to return home. Any of the “damage” she incurred from her last bounty hunt has since shed away. Tired, alone, delirious, Calamity Cobra is at wit’s end - until she stumbles upon a humanoid figure in the distance. Observing more closely, it turns out the feminine creature is made out of the same stuff those bastards who surronded her were! Blasting it away without hesitation, all that’s left of the so-called “Dessert Elemental” is a beating heart covered in caramel. Calamity Cobra pockets it, thinking such an odd organ would have some buyers…but in a flash, the Dessert Elemental reforms, and is furiously hungry! Towering wafers enclose Calamity Cobra in a confectionary colosseum, as foes new and old surrond her. It seems that they’re…out for blood, this time! Calamity Cobra’s task is to appease the Dessert Elemental’s rampaging hunger by battling these dangerous desserts and feeding her their remnants.Forming a symbiotic bond with the stalwart serpent, it seems that the Dessert Elemental can turn these goodies into upgrades, too. Calamity Cobra figures she doesn’t have much time…if she can’t restore the Sweet Heart back inside its proper owner, Calamity Cobra may be swarmed by the sweets...


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